Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorders, which is usually associated with panic attacks. This can also be accompanied with certain avoidance strategies being devised in order to avoid panic attacks. It should be noted that panic attacks can last from a few seconds to a few hours. Symptoms associated with panic disorder are similar to symptoms that manifest in any situations that represent justified causes of worry or fear. The most common symptoms are dizziness, intense heartbeat, nausea, abdominal pain and discomfort, feeling like there is not enough air, derealization (when the environment does not seem real), depersonalization (feeling of detachment from one’s own personality), fear of going mad, losing control and even dying. It should be noted, however, that panic disorder is not limited to only panic attacks. Certain behavioral patterns are also characteristic of panic disorder. After experiencing or going through a few panic attacks, one usually adjusts their lifestyle, including their habits and behaviors, in order to avoid panic attacks or situations that cause them.


Primary symptoms:

  • Repeating panic attacks, which can be accompanied with tachycardia, intense heartbeat, heavy sweating, shivering, difficulty breathing, pressure on the chest or chest pains, nausea, abdominal distress, dizziness, weakness, chills, fever, feeling like one’s going to faint, numbness or tingling, derealization or depersonalization, fear of losing control, going mad or dying.
  • Fear of the panic attack occurring again.
  • Unbeneficial changes in one’s behavior and habits in order to avoid panic attacks happening again.


SourceBegoyan, A.N. (2018). #Bye_Bye_Anxiety. Yerevan, Hilfmann Press.

Panic Disorder | Anxiety Disorders
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